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Living Your Best Life Doesn’t Mean It Has to Be Perfect

Living Your Best Life Doesn’t Mean It Has to Be Perfect

Living your best life is a wonderful goal to shoot for, but many of us confuse that with living the perfect life. We get hung up on all the details, trying to make sure everything is just right. We tell ourselves it has to be the right time or the best circumstances before we’re ready to try something new or make a change. We let perfectionism hold us back. If you feel you fall into this trap, keep reading and learn how you can live your best life without waiting for it to be perfect. 

Consider What’s at Stake

First, when you get caught up in feeling like things have to be just right, take a minute to consider the stakes. What will you miss out on if you wait until things are perfect? What opportunity are you giving up? Often, this simple reflection will be enough to push you toward going after your goal, rather than waiting for a better time. 

Know It’s Not All or Nothing

The all or nothing trap is one that is common. This is the belief that you have to have all the resources in place or know everything there is to know before taking on a task. This line of thinking is false. It’s simply a way of getting caught up in the cycle of perfectionism and remaining in place. Take baby steps and give it a try even if you don’t have everything in place. Sometimes things come together on their own. 

Change Your Self-Talk

If perfectionism is holding you back from living your best life, chances are good that you’re probably sending yourself some negative messages. Listen to what your inner critic is saying to you the next time you decide that you shouldn’t do something and then see if you can’t turn that message around. If you hear yourself saying that you’ll never get the job promotion because you’re not qualified, try giving yourself some realistic reasons why you might just have what it takes and what you have to offer. Refuting negative self-talk can go a long way to stopping perfectionism in its tracks. 

Learn to Accept Good Enough

Finally, try just accepting good enough and see what happens. The next time you want to do something different or step out of your comfort zone, but you don’t think you’re ready, just go for it. Pay attention to how you feel and what it’s like to push past those feelings. Note the end result. Maybe things won’t turn out perfectly, but you may discover they end up being worthwhile anyway. 

Keep these steps in mind the next time your inner perfectionist tries to sabotage you and keep you from living your best life. You may be surprised at the results. 

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Floyd Crawford

Phone:   571-213-7281
Text:       571-210-5213

Email:       floydcrawford714@gmail.com  

13 Essential Oil Hacks Perfect for Parenting

Between getting the kids ready for the day, making healthy meals, running to extracurricular activities, and keeping the house clean, it’s a wonder parents have any time left to themselves. If you’re looking for a few ways to seize more from each moment, check out this essential oils guide full of parent resources. These hacks can help you simplify your schedule with essential oils for everything from cleaning to cooking to cooling down after a hectic day.

1. Room Refresher

Essential oils make freshening your home a breeze—even when the kids are running around. Add 5 drops of your favorite essential oil (we suggest Thieves® or Lemon) to a 2-ounce spray bottle filled with water. Shake thoroughly and spritz over linens, furniture, carpet, or throughout a room as needed!

2. Fresh Feet

Kids aren’t known for their clean feet, so it’s no surprise that their shoes sometimes need a refresh. Clean stinky shoes in a snap with 2 tablespoons baking soda and 5 drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix together and sprinkle inside any shoes that need some extra care. Let sit overnight or longer, then shake out the baking soda.

3. Outdoor Spray

Let the kids play outside with this easy DIY spray that helps you stay annoyance-free. Combine 1½ ounces witch hazel, 2 ounces water, 1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin, 15 drops Citronella, 5 drops Cedarwood, 5 drops Eucalyptus Globulus in a 4-ounce spray bottle. Evenly spray onto exposed skin, rubbing in as needed.

4. Fresh and Clean Laundry

Keep your family’s clothes looking and smelling their best with the added boost of essential oils. Add 12–15 drops of oil to your washer and eliminate musty scents. You can also ditch the dryer sheets! Instead, infuse wool dryer balls with 3–4 of your favorite essential oils such as Citrus Fresh™, Peppermint, or Lavender. Reapply essential oils every 2–4 loads.

5. Relaxing Foot Massage

Finally done with a long day of work, errands, meals, and after-school activities? Give yourself a moment to relax by using a carrier oil such as our V-6™ Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex to apply Lavender and Eucalyptus Globulus oil to the bottoms of your feet.

6. Homework Haven

Create the ideal studying environment enhanced with the crisp and uplifting aromas of essential oils. Before homework time, add a few drops of Rosemary, Sage, Peppermint, or Eucalyptus Globulus to a diffuser.

7. Makeup Setting Spray

Being on the go means you don’t have time to do makeup touch-ups. Help your makeup stay put all day with this DIY makeup setting spray enhanced with skin-loving essential oils!

8. Vacuum Cleaner Clean-up

When you finally have a moment to get to vacuuming, don’t let a musty scent distract from your hard work. Instead, try cleaning with essential oils! Add a few drops of essential oil to a clean vacuum filter and freshen up this household chore.

9. Early Morning Pick-Me-Up

Have to get up early to drive the kids to school or practice? Ditch the coffee—instead go for the invigorating taste of fresh Peppermint. Add 1–2 drops of Peppermint Vitality™ to a cool glass of water and start the day right.

10. Hair Detangler

Don’t waste time struggling through a mess of hair—whether it’s yours or your child’s. Simplify your hair care strategy with this detangler! Combine ½ cup Lavender Conditioner (or other Young Living conditioner), 1⅛ cup warm distilled water, 3 drops Cedarwood, and 3 drops Frankincense. Spritz a couple times into dry or damp hair and comb through to tame any mane. Want more hair care ideas? Check out our blog post devoted to essential oil detanglers!

11. DIY Car Diffuser

Car time can become chaotic, but the power of aromatherapy makes it more enjoyable for everyone. Add a few drops of oil to some tissues and place them on the dash of your car. The warm sun will help disperse the scent while your car sits in the driveway or parking lot. Or try our USB Diffuser or Orb™ Diffuser for more on-the-go options.

12. Dry Shampoo

Not enough time to shower in the morning? Dry shampoo is sure to be your beauty BFF. For a naturally derived solution, combine ¼ cup cornstarch, 1 tablespoon baking soda, 2 drops Cedarwood, 2 drops Rosemary, and 1 drop Tea Tree. If you have dark hair, add 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder. Shake a small amount into your hair and massage the powder into your roots. After a few minutes, comb through your hair for soft, refreshed locks. See how easy it is with this video!

13. Simplified Snacks

Even if you want to avoid fast food and processed snacks, it can be hard to find the time to make homemade after-school snacks. Skip elaborate meal planning and cut down on prep time with the fast, fresh flavor of essential oils. We love this Citrus Sunshine Smoothie that’s tasty for the whole family!

This blog was reprinted with permission from the Young Living website.

Did you find this post valuable?   If YES…. I would LOVE for you to comment below and share on Facebook.

Floyd Crawford
Phone:    571-213-7281
PB Text: 571-210-5213

Are You Putting Your Life on Hold?

Are You Putting Your Life on Hold?

Do you ever just feel like you’re putting your life on hold? Maybe you’re waiting for the perfect time to do what it is you’ve always wanted to do. You might think you need to get yourself to a better career position before you can have fun. Perhaps you don’t think you deserve to take time for yourself when there are so many things that your family needs. Regardless of your reasons, putting your life on hold and waiting for someday to do the things you aspire to is rarely a good idea. 

The fact is, we’re never guaranteed a tomorrow. Holding out for the “right time” usually just ends up costing happiness and fulfillment. Instead, decide what it is you want out of your life and take action steps to get it right now. Not tomorrow. Not someday. Take a look at the following suggestions to get started living your best life now:

Take Time to Dream

Many of us say we’ll wait until a better time to go after what we want, but we may not even know what it is that we’d like to see in our lives. Therefore, your first step is to take some time to dream. Think about the things you desire. Make lists. Let yourself dream big. Jot down short-term and long-term goals. 

Clarify Your Vision

Once you have some ideas, start to narrow things down. Clarify the goals you most want to meet and that seem within reach to at least begin working on now. Write them down and commit to working toward them. 

Create a Map

Now you’re ready to create a framework or draw a map for how you’ll reach your destination. Decide how you’re going to obtain the things you want. Write down the steps you plan to take. Try to come up with a reasonable time frame in which to arrive at each step. Decide on milestones to mark your progress. Doing so will help keep you on track. 

Take Action

It’s time to start bringing your plan to life. Decide on which actions you need to take right now to begin making progress toward the goals you’ve set. Grab your calendar and write down guideposts for these steps so that you know what you should be working on at each stage of the journey. 

Have Fun

Finally, be sure you’re striving to enjoy these steps along the way. This isn’t another to-do list that has to be a chore. This is your life plan, and it’s meant to be a joy. Doublecheck your action plan to make sure there are fun activities included, and always take time to celebrate those milestones. 

Keeping these steps in mind as a model for moving forward will help to ensure you’re no longer putting your life on hold. You now have a plan. As you start to work it, you’ll notice your outlook improving and your satisfaction levels rising. 


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